Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Osprey filmed catching fish!

The Osprey is a familiar bird of prey to most.  If you don't know it by name you will recognize it once you see it in this awesome film a follower sent to us. Osprey description according to the National Geographic field guide to birds: Dark brown above, white below, white head dark eye stripe.  Females usually have darker neck streaks.  Wings appear to be bent back in flight.  Scientific Name: Pandion haliaetus.  Usually found near an aquatic habitat.   Here is video a follower sent to us.

 This is truly incredible video. I can't believe this Osprey got 5-6 fish at a time, then got a flounder under 3' of water, and then made off with what looks to be a 5+ lb. Steelhead.  I've never seen a bird shake water off like a dog does 
There are 3 sequences in this one video:
1st sequence he catches half a dozen fish in one strike.
2nd sequence he plunges talons into deep water right to the bottom to grab his prey.
3rd sequence he captures a big old fat fish that looks as if it weighs more than he does!
This is incredible to watch... Enjoy 

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